
Dämonen (griech. daimonioi = übermenschliche Wesen) sind von Gott abgefallene Engel unter der Führung Satans (= Luzifer, Teufel). Sie treiben an verschiedenen Stellen der biblischen Heilsgeschichte als Widersacher Gottes und Versucher des Menschen ihr...

Death magic

In general, death magic is not common in the so-called Western countries, although it is practised there as well. In pagan areas, however, it wreaks its dark, diabolical havoc. Kurt Koch: „I became aware of death magic through pastoral work on the mission...


Demons (from the Greek daimonioi = superhuman beings) are angels who have fallen away from God under the leadership of Satan (= Lucifer, the devil). At various points in the biblical history of salvation, they wreak havoc as opponents of God and tempters of man. Since...


Dreamcatchers originated in North America from the Ojibwa Indians. They were hung above the sleeping place to protect the sleeper from nightmares. The classic model consisted of a circular wicker hoop in which a net of sinew or string was spun. This net was decorated,...