Cartomancy – Card reading

Cartomancy is fortune-telling or divination using a deck of cards. The history of cartomancy goes back many centuries. The Romans already had a system of tablets on which symbols were written. Cards appeared in the 8th century. The technique of divination...

Casting and breaking spells

Casting and breaking spells is a form of magic. Some magicians practise it as a sport, while others use it to further their own interests. The purpose of the transference spell is to transfer a person’s disease to a dog, corpse, stone, etc. in order to...

Chain letters, Heavenly letters…

There are many forms of such letters, all of which belong to the realm of superstition or magical protection spells. There are chain letters, lucky letters, fire letters, fire blessings, bullet blessings and heavenly letters. They are said to bring good luck and...


Herkunft und Bedeutung des Begriffes: Channeling kommt vom englischen Wort channel = Kanal. Das englische Verb ‚to channel somebody‘ heißt  „von jemandem inspiriert sein“. Beim Channeling nimmt ein Medium Kontakt mit...


When channelling, a medium contacts supernatural beings, also known as spirit beings, making it a form of spiritism. The person acting as a medium is also referred to as a ‚channel‘. The connection is allegedly made with angels, ‚enlightened‘...