
Reiki wurzelt, wie viele sogenannte „alternative Heilmethoden“, ganz im ostasiatischen Denken, wie schon der Name verrät, der sich aus „rei“ = Seele, Geist und „ki“ = Lebensenergie zusammensetzt. Unter „Reiki“...


Reiki, like many so-called ‚alternative‘ healing methods, has its roots, as the name suggests, in East Asian thought, made up of ‚rei‘ = soul, spirit and ‚ki‘ = life energy. Reiki“ refers both to the method of treatment itself...


A revenant is the shadowy reappearance of a deceased person in the place where he lived. Dr. Kurt Koch writes in his book „Occult ABC“: Not all recurrent experiences can be reduced to a single denominator. Some forms are mentioned. 1. There are reports of...