Casting and breaking spells is a form of magic. Some magicians practise it as a sport, while others use it to further their own interests. The purpose of the transference spell is to transfer a person’s disease to a dog, corpse, stone, etc. in order to „banish“ it.

Dr Kurt E. Koch came to know the uncanny processes of real magic through pastoral care and visits to over 400 mission fields.


Ex. 98. A man in a Christian convalescent home had the power to cast and break spells. He could stop a person in the street so that they could neither move nor speak. He could also cast a spell on children so that they too were rendered speechless and unable to move. This man was considered a devout Christian. (Source: Between Christ and Satan, Dr. Kurt E. Koch)

B 194 „A woman told me the story of her family. When her mother was seven years old, she was looking after the geese. A man who was known for his black magic came by and asked: „Mariechen, how many geese do you have?“ The child told him the number. The man moved on. Suddenly, one goose after another collapsed and died. The girl ran home and told her father what had happened. The father immediately ran to the water and muttered a saying from the 6th/7th Book of Moses. The deaths of the geese stopped immediately.

What is the situation in this family now? The goose girl had suffered from depression all her life. She wanted to believe, tried to come to Christ, but could not. The narrator, the granddaughter of the magical banner, sees visions and has strong inhibitions about faith. Her son, the great-grandson, is mentally ill, has delusions and is in a psychiatric hospital for the third time. Magic always has its victims. Magic powers always have a high price. (Source: Okkultes ABC, Dr Kurt E. Koch)