Bach Flower Therapy

Bach Flower Therapy is one of those so-called „alternative“ therapies that have nothing to do with medicine and a great deal to do with esotericism. It was developed by the British bacteriologist and homeopath Edward Bach, who gave up his practice in 1930...

Bach Flower Therapy

Bach Flower Therapy is one of those so-called „alternative“ therapies that have nothing to do with medicine and a great deal to do with esotericism. It was developed by the British bacteriologist and homeopath Edward Bach, who gave up his practice in 1930...


Die sogenannte „Bach-Blütentherapie“ fällt unter die sogenannten „alternativen Heilmethoden“, die tatsächlich mit Medizin nichts, mit Esoterik aber sehr viel zu tun haben. Entwickelt wurde sie von dem britischen Bakteriologen und...