Acupuncture is a healing method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), in which a therapeutic effect is to be achieved by needle pricks at certain points of the body. Most patients find acupuncture to be soothing, relaxing and often amazingly effective. The method was already used in China about 3000 BC.
But caution is advised! Emil Kremer writes in his book “Open Eyes”: Acupuncture has its origin in the religion of ancient China and is based on Chinese philosophy. The basis for modern acupuncture with medicinal herbal medicine was given by the philosophical school of Taoism. This was founded around the 4th century B.C. and is based on the metaphysics of the “school of diviners”, which was associated with ascetic exercises and auto-suggestion.
Dr. Kurt Koch writes in the book “Occult ABC”: All religions of the East and the ancestor cult have a spiritualistic or animistic background. The effect is the development of a mediumship. Mediumship is an openness to the transpsychic, the metaphysical, the supranatural and the demonic. Acupuncture works much better for medial doctors and medial patients than for non-medial ones. Acupuncture is medial anesthesia in many cases.
Origin of acupuncture
The origin of this Chinese healing art goes back to Emperor Huang Ti about 5000 years ago. Huang Ti came up with the idea that there was harmony and balance in the universe by looking at the starry sky. His next conclusion was that man as a microcosm must correspond to the macrocosm. This means that the physical and mental processes must be coordinated. A realization that is being re-emphasized in the psychosomatic school in our century. Thus, the basic concept of acupuncture has a philosophical character with an astrological accent.
At the second stage of this development, Emperor Huang Ti unfolded his hypothesis on how to realize or maintain this harmony in the human body. He called the energy, the life force of man, Ch’i, which flows into the body at birth and leaves it at death. Chi flows through the body in two systems: Yang and Yin. Yang is the male principle (the sun), Yin is the female principle (the moon). The flow of yang and yin through the body occurs in a system of channels called meridians. These meridians have nothing to do with the blood circulation, the lymphatic system, or the nerve pathways.
At the third level, we gain insight into the order of the meridians that run under the skin and around the torso. The main meridians are connected by 15 Luo channels. From the main meridians branch off 47 secondary meridians. At 365 points, the meridians approach the skin. These are the special points that must be used when needling.
What is the purpose of needling? Throughout the body and in every organ, there must be balance between yang and yin. If a form of energy is present in an organ in excess, then a disease occurs. For example, if the yin (the female principle) is too strong, then a gold pin is inserted in the corresponding organ point to strengthen the yang (male principle). If Yang becomes too strong, then a silver needle is set.
Professor Erwin H. Ackerknecht, Zurich writes in the “Schweizerische Ärztezeitung”: “The meridians, channels, points have never been proven, neither anatomically nor physiologically, despite numerous efforts. Electrical tests have also revealed nothing. … Nevertheless, it is not necessary to deny in any way that they are successful with certain sick people and diseases. Homeopaths, naturopaths, spiritualists, medicine men, faith healers, etc. have the same. All successes and ‘miracles’ are most inevitably explained as effects of suggestion or misdiagnosis. It has been known for over a hundred years that through suggestion and hypnosis one can produce intervening physical changes … can produce.