Table lifting

The so-called table lifting is considered by many people to be a social game. However, it is a spiritistic session. It is practised to get in touch with the “deceased” (in reality they are demons) and to find out hidden information. The participants sit...


A talisman, amulet, or fetish is an artificial object that is believed to have a soul or to be endowed with power. It is worn or worshipped as a protection for personal safety. By wearing these supposed symbols of power and protection, people give them credibility and...


Transfiguration is a spiritistic phenomenon in which the spiritistic medium takes on the facial features of another person. Example: Kurt Koch met Mister Millen in London. He had been a highly qualified medium for many years. His wife and a prayer group interceded for...


Translocation refers to a spiritistic phenomenon in which spiritistic mediums can dematerialize. They suddenly become invisible and then reappear in another place. This process is called differently on different continents. In Japan and also in South America it is...